Miracle Mobile برنامه ها

眾點 - 大數據給你網路最熱門文章!眾所皆知,你不能不知! 1.70
Miracle Mobile
你常有這樣的煩惱嗎?課業繁重、工作忙碌、朋友聚會太多應接不暇,沒有時間關心網路、社會大事。身為一個時間稀缺的現代人,網路上資訊那麼多,臉書(Facebook)、LINE、Instargram都滑不完,除了好友的動態和廣告,似乎也沒發嘍到什麼重點大事,有時還被朋友嗆超累格。眾所皆知,你不可不知!眾點的大數據和AI人工智慧,讓你可以:1. 跟滑FB一樣輕鬆看新聞2. 網路上最熱門的時事、話題、影音一次發嘍3. 第一時間知道最新鮮的事為什麼要看眾點?>>最方便再也不用等待網站不用東看一個西看一個,眾點整理百大流量網站最熱門文章,新聞App下載看眾點一個就夠!>>最熱門眾點透過大數據分析,挑選網路最熱門的50則文章,保證你看的都是大家都在看的!>>最好聊最好用的社交神器,跟朋友、老闆、客戶聊天都不怕沒話題。>>最即時大數據24小時更新,騎士隊奪NBA總冠軍,不用擔心被嗆很累格!>>最上手簡潔的介面設計,圖文清晰,滑動順暢,閱讀超輕鬆!眾點內容來源:>>各大媒體:自由時報、蘋果日報、商業週刊、東森新聞、中央社、中國時報、TVBS、今周刊、紐約時報中文網、天下雜誌、鉅亨網、數位時代、風傳媒、Ettoday、鍵盤大檸檬、GQ……>>網路新聞平台:Yahoo新聞、硬塞Inside、關鍵評論網、群眾觀點、Buzzhand、姊妹淘、韓星網、宅宅新聞、妞新聞、LIFE生活網、Teepr…...>>影音平台:Youtube、動網......>>論壇部落格:痞客邦、隨意窩、Dcard、巴哈姆特、爆料公社、Mobile01、Ptt、微博......
FrogU - Frog Battle Games ! 1.42
Miracle Mobile
5 short-session games with cute and mean frogs that you can battlewith friends!
Yue Jin Lantern Festival 1.08
Miracle Mobile
Yue Jin Lantern Festival this year, belongs to everyone.
MonChats - Meet new people with voice! 1.2.5721
Miracle Mobile
Match. Chat. Date. MonChats is easy and fun—use the "Voice &Like" feature to Like someone. If someone likes you back, It’s aMatch! We invented the double opt-in so that two people will onlymatch when there’s a mutual interest. No stress. No rejection. Justtap through the profiles you’re interested in, chat and voiceonline with your matches, then step away from your phone, meet upin the real world and spark something new. 🔥Completely free With asuccessful match, you can talk for free and become friends!Everything from download to chat is free! 🔥Fully anonymous Talkthrough real people and monsters Without revealing your personalinformation and appearance, you will only know each other usingyour true intentions and voice! 🔥Talk about what you want to talkabout safely You can chat safely in a private space! You canuncover your chest safely for anonymous chat! 🔥 All users are realpeople There is no robot here. No one wants to talk to the robot.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MonChatApp/ MonChats feedback:https://m.me/MonChatApp MonChats access settings explanationRequired: ◎ Allow MonChats to access the "Microphone" functions;MonChats require access to the "Microphone" in order to record theusers' beautiful voices. Not required: ◎ Allow MonChat to access"Location"; MonChats will need access to "Location" in order toknow the user's location and match you up to chat with nearbyusers. ◎ Allow MonChats to access "Camera"; if the users wish totake and send photos during the chat, MonChats will need access to"Camera" in order to control the camera and take photos. ◎AllowMonChats to access "Photos"; if the users wish to send photosduring the chat, MonChats will need access to "Photos" in order toread the photos in the albums.
Gold Up: Lucky Chinese Newyear 1.23
Miracle Mobile
Eager to be the lucky one? Play a 3-mins game to increase luckduring new year !
pxCode: design-to-code 1.0.000003
Miracle Mobile
Elegant, 10x Faster and Clean Code